The museum had an old version of the movie which has been on display at the museum since the 90s. Now the museum had a remaking of the film ready, also with the newest construction in the harbour. 

The movie is produced by Rein Film AS and Berlevåg Havnemuseum has written the storyline. The Norwegian Coastal Administration has contributet economically. The movie last for 25 minutes. The people of Berlevåg got to see the finish product for the first time at the premiere at the lokal cinema. The feedback was very good. 

Some fotos from the movie.

Skjermbilde 2017-02-16 13.02.57_200x113.png Skjermbilde 2017-02-16 14.41.35_200x113.png Skjermbilde 2017-02-16 14.42.29_200x113[3].png ​Skjermbilde 2017-02-16 12.10.46_200x113.png Uten navn_200x113.jpg dykker_200x113.jpg 

Breakwater-cake for the premiere.
