The aim of the new coastal museums organization is to co-ordinate the research and documentation of coastal heritage and reconstruction history, and presentation of such work The museums organization aims at contributing to coastal identity, servicing cultural demands through accessibility for official as well as non-official inquiries. The organization’s collection of cultural and historical items, as well as its educational activities, are following ICOM’s museum ethical rules. As part of its identity and reconstruction objective this regional museums organization has a special responsibility to make the public aware of its material inventory and research findings. Of special responsibility of the Finnmark Museums for Coastal Heritage and Reconstruction must be mentioned

• Coastal heritage in Finnmark with a particular interest in fishery history.

• Evacuation and reconstruction history with reference to the burning of Finnmark during the second world war.

• Documentation of contemporary topics with a focus on social and cultural transformation.

• The museum has a particular duty to take care of the multi cultural and multi ethnic basis of the Finnmark province.

• The museum shall work in order to give the participating museums a professional and scientifically based collection management and an organisation which secures accessibility for a broad public.

• The participating museums are obliged to support the research of each other and contribute to the exhibitions of the member museums in a professional way.

• The Finnmark Museums for Coastal Heritage and Reconstruction aim at contributing to national museum functions within their fields, as well as working for the development of national and international collaborating museums networks.